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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus. |
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus. |
"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" Movie Preview |
Sunday, January 28, 2007 |
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix works its magic on moviegoers beginning on July 13, 2007.
Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter and Katie Leung as Cho Chang in "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix."
The Harry Potter movies could be released without any publicity - no trailers, interviews, photos, or whatever - and the films would still be box office gold. The appeal of J. K. Rowlings' work is worldwide and the built-in audience for the Harry Potter movie franchise is ginormous. If I had a dime for every time someone told me they can't wait for the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix film I'd, well, I'd have a truckload of dimes. Harry Potter fans embrace their movie franchise like no others, with the possible exception of the Lord of the Rings devotees (argue that comment amongst yourselves you Ringers and HP fans). The Story - Harry Potter and his cohorts are back for the fifth year of adventure, romance, learning and fun at Hogwarts. There's mischief afoot (as always) at the school for young wizards as much of the tight-knit community doesn't know the truth about Harry's recent encounter with Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes). A new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher has been hired by Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge to keep an eye on headmaster Dumbledore, and it's up to Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Hermoine (Emma Watson) and Ron (Rupert Grint) to prepare themselves and their friends for a terrifying battle against the dark forces. |
posted by okqi @ 8:12 AM   |
Behind the Scenes of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" Movies |
Wednesday, January 24, 2007 |
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End sails into theaters on May 25, 2007.  You were going to buy Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest on DVD anyway, but just in case, we've got some behind the scenes interviews to make you even more excited. At ILM's office in San Francisco, the team behind Davy Jones, the Dutchman crew and the Kraken took us through the processes that they will present on the film's DVD. Adorning their office, we saw all the conceptual art work, including a Turtle Guy that was never included in the film. Surprisingly, the DVD does not end up including an extended scene of the dice game as expected, so perhaps that will be saved for a future DVD release. And we pulled every tidbit we could about Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End. Interview with Aaron McBride, Visual Effects Art Director Defining the Flying Dutchman Curse: “What we tried to do was develop kind of a hierarchy to the curse, the idea being that the longer that you serve on Davy Jones' crew and on the Flying Dutchman, the more sort of encrusted you become and more calcified, caked with barnacles and sea life. It starts out as sort of a low level infection, kind of like Rosacea or acne or boils or something like that. We got a lot of nice really nasty references for that type of thing. It would start out as kind of a skin disorder for most of the more human characters like Koleniko and Clanker. And then it would sort of erupt into say a barnacle or some coral or a little honeycomb type of pattern that you get with coral. That was a way for it to motivate larger departures from a human form. You could start out with some infection like this and then it could just sort of erupt into puffer fish kind of spines or something like that. Or, in the extreme case, like with Maccus, you kind of yank out into sort of a Hammerhead shark eye. And we got a lot of really nasty reference of sort of deformities like Elephantitis, things like that from some kind of cool books that we found." Giving the Background Dutchmen More Screen Time in Pirates 3: “A lot of times, what we'll do is we'll get as far as looks pretty good in turntable [mode], and then if something comes up in a shot or close up of a character acting a certain way, then we'll sort of go back and revisit it, if it needs a little bit more love. There were a couple shots with Maccus when he got into closeup that were like, ‘Okay, his pore detail and things like that, we need to amp that up a little bit so it'll hold up in close up.’ Then there were some additional background guys that we designed like Wheelback and Angler and Ratlin. I think what happened was there were originally 13 kind of hero Dutchmen developed, and then there was a lot of low res background guys that just sort of fill out the background. But at one point, there's a scene where the Kraken caller, where they're all turning the turnstile to do the Kraken caller, I think they realized that there needed to be 12 people to operate that and already I think about four of the other Dutchmen were up on deck with Davy Jones. We needed to develop a couple additional guys so we weren't seeing the same guys here in close up all the time.” The Effects in the Extended Dice Game: “There's a lot more. There's more of them in the dice game. There's a lot more of Davy Jones. There's actually some really cool lines that Davy Jones had in the extended scene. And there's more really kind of cool stuff of him smoking his pipe and lighting his pipe, and filling it with tobacco and stuff like that. It was a really cool little bit that we were all kind of sad to see got cut out but we're psyched to see it come back on the DVD. I think there was a lot more of Maccus up on deck. He had a lot more interaction with Davy Jones. I think some of that was trimmed down. I just remember seeing a lot of it in our daily shots that we were working on. In the final cut of the movie we were like, 'Oh yeah, I remember seeing more of Maccus.'” The Rejection of Turtle Guy: “One of the things was that Gore [Verbinski] said he didn't want the guys to look too gimmicky. He didn't want them to look like they were high concept where it was obvious what the gag was. This guy actually exhibited too much of a turtle. He kind of looked like ‘guy in a turtle costume’.. Maybe more of a turtle's face is erupting on the side of his head. The turtle's not perfectly lined up with a human face. It's kind of mutating out of his shoulder or something like that. I think there was another one that I did that was a swordfish guy. The swordfish was kind of erupting out of the top of his head and it was just too many whole bits of sea life. It made it look a little too gimmicky. Some guys already sort of had that, like Maccus and this guy had a whole eel coming out of him. He's got sort of a whole side of a puffer fish face to him, but we didn't want everyone to have that. Mostly just the hero guys to have that. Then we went back and did more guys who it was less kind of identifiable what their curse was. They just seemed to be more infected with a lot of sea life and not one big obvious thing sticking out of them.” The New Creatures of Pirates in the Caribbean 3: “We're actually working on between six and ten new creatures. We just got approval [Oct 31st]. So yeah, we're looking forward to developing those guys. They're Dutchmen. They're additional Dutchmen.”
posted by okqi @ 9:43 AM   |
An Inside Look at Spider-Man 3 |
 Spider-Man 3 weaves its web around audiences on May 4, 2007.
Columbia Pictures surprised Spider-Man fans at the 2006 San Diego Comic Con by publicizing only the appearance of director Sam Raimi but bringing Spider-Man 3 stars Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Topher Grace, Thomas Haden Church and Bryce Dallas Howard as well as producer Laura Ziskin to talk to the huge crowd gathered for one of the biggest events of its kind in the world. Not only did the crowd of 5,000+ get to hear from the film’s stars, they were also treated to amazing footage from Spider-Man 3 put together just for the event. The footage had never been screened for the public before and included unfinished scenes as well as the first shots of Sandman (Haden Church) in action and a quick look at Venom (Grace). Judging by the reaction of the crowd to the footage, Raimi and Co’s third Spider-Man movie easily lives up to the first two films of the series. Prior to taking the stage to field questions from fans, the cast and director Raimi took part in small press conference in which Raimi did a great job of dodging questions that were too specific and that might lead to revealing storylines he wants to keep secret until the film’s release. Maguire and Dunst also showed great restraint, carefully wording their answers so that no spoilers could possibly be divulged. The Big News Coming Out at Comic Con: Director Sam Raimi started the press conference out on a lighter note by joking when asked if he’d be making any big announcements during the Spider-Man 3 presentation. “I’m having a baby. Oh, you mean in regards to the story and the characters in the picture? Not interested in my personal life then, I guess? That’s fine, be that way. Yes, there is a big announcement that we were going to make today in front of the kids who’ve come to Comic Con, and that is that the movie will… One of the big villains that we have been expecting, will be my mother-in-law; will be Venom. He’s coming to star across from Tobey [Maguire] in this picture as the villain, along with Thomas Haden Church who plays the Sandman.” Sam Raimi on the Decision to Include Venom in Spider-Man 3: “Avi Arad, who’s really got his pulse on all the Marvel fans better than any head of the corporation has ever understood those people that are interested in the corporation’s product - he really knows what those kids want - he said, ‘You’ve had two Spider-Man pictures. This third one - there’s so many kids, so many fans of Spider-Man want to see Venom. Even if you didn’t grow up with him, they want to see him. You’ve got the Sandman, that’s one of your favorite villains. Why don’t you bring Venom in also and make those kids, the fans of Venom, happy?’ So I thought that’s what we should do.” Raimi’s opinion of Venom as a villain in the Spider-Man film world changed after seeing him brought to life by Topher Grace. “Now that I’ve seen Topher Grace perform him, then saw what Alvin Sargent did with the script… He created a great character. He really filled out Eddie Brock into a very meaningful character. Tobey has a great energy with him in the few scenes that they play together as competitors, and I really like him now.” The Design of Venom: Raimi credits his entire team with creating Venom’s look. “We had a great design team on this picture led by James Acheson, our costume designer, working with a team of brilliant sculptors, artists, painters, and we studied all the different looks. So many different artists created different looks of Venom and we tried to take the ones that we thought would work best for us, but also the ones that Avi felt were the most classic elements and base it on that.” Making Venom realistic within the world of the Spider-Man movies was a challenge for director Raimi. “There’s a lot of fantastic elements about Venom that you could say are in conflict with the realism that we wanted to have in the picture,” explained Raimi. “But we just said to ourselves, ‘Kirsten and Tobey, you’ll have to do the heavy lifting here to bring it back down to earth because there’s this wild goo from outer space and you’re just going to have to connect us to the characters.’” Raimi laughed at the follow-up to the ‘realistic’ question which called him on the ‘goo’ statement. Asked if his answer confirms Venom will be from outer space, Raimi countered with, “(Laughing) I never said that. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The other two Spider-Man movies include visual nods to the covers and panels from the comics. Raimi says the third film does something similar. “In this story we’re less specific but we did try and stay very true to the Venom comic books when they describe his birth – the creation of Venom. We did try and stay true to the writers’ and the artists’ ideas of how that happened.” |
posted by okqi @ 9:35 AM   |
Review : Ghost Rider |
Monday, January 22, 2007 |
Genre: Action, Adventure
Director: Mark Steven Johnson Screenwriter: Mark Steven Johnson Studio: Columbia Pictures Release Date: February 16, 2007 Cast: Nicolas Cage, Wes Bentley, Eva Mendes, Matt Long, Sam Elliott, Peter Fonda, Donal Logue, Joel Tobeck, Arthur Angel, Daniel Frederiksen, Laurence Breuls, Peter Callan, Matthew Wilkinson, Matt Norman, Marcus Jones Ghost Rider has been a Marvel Comics superhero since the seventies. The company brought out a lot of supernatural heroes in those days. Werewolf By Night, Dracula, The Monster of Frankenstein, Son of Satan, Man-Thing (although he wasn’t truly supernatural at first but the adventures tended toward that later), and others.
But there was something special about Johnny Blaze, the young motorcycle daredevil who sold his soul to save the life of another and was betrayed in that bargain. Ghost Rider became a supernatural force constantly at war, caught between the pull of good and evil inside himself. That was the part of the story that really caught my attention. A classic kind of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde character but one that wore biker leathers and rode a flaming Harley. My little adolescent mind seized on that, and still hasn’t let go of it all these years later.
Ghost Rider broke out of the pages of Marvel Spotlight and grabbed his own title magazine, which lasted for 10 years or so, with sporadic frequencies. Johnny Blaze's character and the nature of Ghost Rider went through a lot of retconning. He tended toward the supernatural for a while, hit the superhero phase, then crossed back into the supernatural theme again. Later, during the second run of Ghost Rider (Volume 2), Danny Ketch took on the mantle of the Spirit of Vengeance. Soon, readers discovered that Ketch was Johnny Blaze’s brother. All in all, Ghost Rider has been through a lot of changes and reinvention.
Greg Cox's book Ghost Rider is a novelization of the movie coming out in February, and I was torn between waiting to be surprised with the film or reading the book. I passed the book by twice, then picked it up and read it in two sittings. Ghost Rider was one of my favorite characters because he looked so cool, and I rode a motorcycle for a while. The character has instant appeal for guys, and women seem to dig him too because Johnny Blaze is the quintessential bad boy.
The book/movie is basically a re-envisioning of Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider's origin, and it sets the stage for a franchise of films, ala Spider-Man, Hulk, Daredevil, Elektra and Fantastic Four. Ghost Rider follows some of the retconning done in comics, like Johnny’s relationship with his father, Barton Blaze, and progresses from that spin. Of course, there's a girl in the movie version: Roxanne Simpson, the daughter of the circus owner where the Blazes performed their death-defying motorcycle stunts. Johnny loved her and had plans to flee the circus with her.
The book/movie starts out with a prologue featuring the first Ghost Rider, a man named Carter Slade, who was a Western hero in Marvel Comics (he got retconned into the mythos as well later, as well as being renamed Phantom Rider). This Western Ghost Rider in the book/movie worked for Mephistopheles and was sent to collect a contract worth 1000 souls. That Ghost Rider chose to hide the contract instead, and then he rode off into the sunset.
Fast forward to the tragedy that left Johnny Blaze's soul exposed. With his father dying of cancer, 17-year-old Johnny Blaze contracts with Mephistopheles, trading his soul for his father’s health. Mephistopheles throws in fame and glory almost as an afterthought, making it apparent that those weren’t Johnny’s real goals.
Fifteen years later, Mephistopheles returns for Johnny's soul and transforms him into the Ghost Rider to battle Blackheart. Blackheart is actually Mephistopheles's son and intends to take over his dad's rule because he thinks his dad is being too cautious.
The Ghost Rider in the book/movie is an interesting blend of Johnny Blaze and Danny Ketch, who was the second modern Ghost Rider. Ketch first had the spirit chain of fire used to flail bad guys, but it looked way too cool too pass up for the movie.
From the book, I can see there’s going to be a lot of action, fighting as well as motorcycle stunts (the trailer showing Ghost Rider racing up the side of the building on the Hellcycle is something I’m not going to forget any time soon). Cox does a really good job of bringing those stunts into sharp focus on the page, but it left my appetite really whetted for the upcoming big-screen release.
Greg Cox's book is a great treatment of the script. Cox is an experienced tie-in writer (that special breed otf writer who can step into someone else's world, tell a good story, and walk away without leaving disturbing ripples). I cruised through the pages and had a great time living the adventure. It's narrative-heavy because it's from a movie script, and there isn't much dialogue occasionally, but overall it's a solid read. I kept getting lost in the story even though I’ve been familiar with it for years. I got the feeling it was the same for the author. Ghost Rider was a shared love, and Cox delivered a bang-up read.
I may have lost the mystery of what's going to happen in the film, but I'm still looking forward to all the special effects and seeing Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider on the big screen. |
posted by okqi @ 11:18 AM   |
Rage Against The Machine To Reunite For Coachella Festival |
In addition to its eclectic, star-studded lineups, the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival has established a reputation for landing hot reunions — the Pixies and the Stooges among them. This year's coup is the reunion of thrashing political rockers Rage Against the Machine, who have not played together for seven years.
The fiery quartet will reunite for a headlining show at the eighth edition of the festival — which will expand to three days, April 27-29, this year — according to an announcement from organizers. A report in the Los Angeles Times said the show will be a one-off; a spokesperson for the band could not be reached to confirm its long-term plans, and a representative for Rage vocalist Zack de la Rocha said the singer will not be commenting on the reunion. Rage also headlined the fest's maiden 1999 edition.
Joining them on the bill as headliners are Coachella veterans Red Hot Chili Peppers, who headlined in 2003, and Björk, who played in 2002. Also on the bill for the Indio, California, festival are the Arcade Fire, Interpol, the Arctic Monkeys, Ghostface Killah, the Decemberists, Air, the Roots, Sonic Youth, Kings of Leon, Kaiser Chiefs, Travis, Lily Allen, Lupe Fiasco, Willie Nelson and reunited lineups of the Happy Mondays and Crowded House.
Although rumors were rife about a Rage reunion in the days leading up to the announcement, guitarist Tom Morello downplayed them in an e-mail message to MTV News earlier this month. The group splintered in 2000, with Morello, bassist Tim Commerford and drummer Brad Wilk joining former Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell in the group Audioslave while vocalist/rapper Zack de la Rocha all but disappeared from the music scene. Though de la Rocha has sporadically appeared at public events and recorded songs with DJ Shadow, Saul Williams and Blackalicious, his long-rumored solo album has not surfaced and he has made few public statements since the dissolution of Rage.
Other acts on the preliminary list of performers include the Good, the Bad and the Queen (Blur/Gorillaz frontman Damon Albarn's new group), New Pornographers, Hot Chip, Grizzly Bear, Black Keys, Silversun Pickups, Fountains of Wayne, Regina Spektor, Jarvis Cocker, Placebo, Satellite Party (Jane's Addiction frontman Perry Farrell's newish band), Stephen Marley, DJ Shadow, Konono No. 1, LCD Soundsystem, Nickel Creek, Damien Rice, Blonde Redhead, Peeping Tom, Placebo, Rufus Wainwright, the Rapture, Explosions in the Sky, Richie Hawtin, !!!, Felix Da Housecat, Pharaohe Monche, Gogol Bordello, Infected Mushroom, Brazilian Girls, Soulwax, Jack's Mannequin, We Are Scientists, Tiesto, Manu Chao, Brother Ali, Jose Gonzales,VNV Nation, Coco Rosie, Comedians of Comedy, Justice, MSTRKRFT, Faithless, Julieta Venegas, Gotan Project, Paul Van Dyk, Circa Survive, Ozomatli, Peaches, the Frames, Amos Lee and Peter, Bjorn & John.
Three-day passes for the festival will cost around $249, with tickets going on sale on Saturday. A limited number of one-day tickets will also be sold for $85 each.
The rest of the preliminary lineup features a mix of veteran performers such as Gillian Welch, Sparklehorse, Cornelius, Andrew Bird, the Coup and legendary Texas psychedelic warrior Roky Erickson and his band the Explosives. Also on the bill are emerging acts like Girl Talk, the Klaxons, the Kooks, CSS, Spank Rock, Tapes 'n Tapes, Fields, Tokyo Police Club, Rodrigo y Gabriela, Tilly and the Wall, Amy Winehouse, Avett Brothers, the Cribs, Digitalism, Erol Alkan, Evil Nine, the Noisettes, DJ Heather, the Feeling, Fratellis and Fair to Midland. |
posted by okqi @ 10:22 AM   |
Aguilera, Blige, Timberlake Solo Performance Added To Grammy Lineup |
Add Christina Aguilera, Mary J. Blige and Ludacris to the list of superstars who will be performing at this year's Grammy Awards on February 11. The singers join the latest lineup for the 49th annual awards show, which will also include former American Idol Carrie Underwood and two performances by Justin Timberlake.
The artists will take the stage for a night of music that was already scheduled to include Beyoncé, the Dixie Chicks, Gnarls Barkley and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. The Black Eyed Peas, Ciara and Nelly Furtado will help hand out awards.
It's fitting that Blige take the stage, as she's the leading Grammy contender with eight nominations, including Record of the Year, Song of the Year, Best R&B Song and Best Female R&B Vocal Performance for "Be Without You," Best R&B Album for The Breakthrough, Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group With Vocals (Jamie Foxx featuring Mary J. Blige for "Love Changes"), Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals (with U2 for "One") and Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance ("I Found My Everything").
Timberlake, who was previously set to perform with the winner of the My Grammy Moment contest, will now also take the stage for a show of his own. The singer is up for four Grammys, including Album of the Year and Best Pop Vocal Album for his second solo effort, FutureSex/LoveSounds, Best Rap/Sung Collaboration for "My Love" featuring T.I., and Best Dance Recording for "Sexyback."
Luda's also got four nods, for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration for "Unpredictable" with Jamie Foxx, Best Rap Performance By A Duo or Group for "Georgia" (with Field Mob and featuring Jamie Foxx), Best Rap Album for Release Therapy and Best Rap Song for "Moneymaker."
Aguilera has two nominations, for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for "Ain't No Other Man," and Best Pop Vocal Album for Back to Basics.
Underwood, whose Some Hearts is the fastest-selling debut country album in the SoundScan era (which began in 1991), is nominated for Best New Artist and Best Country Female Vocal Performance for "Jesus, Take the Wheel." |
posted by okqi @ 9:50 AM   |
Review: My Chemical Romance’s Welcome to the Black Parade |
Saturday, January 20, 2007 |
My Chemical Romance may be the oldest young band in America. None of the members — singer Gerard Way, his brother and bassist Mikey, drummer Bob Bryar and guitarists Ray Toro and Frank Iero — is old enough to have bought David Bowie’s Diamond Dogs on the day it came out. But The Black Parade, the New Jersey group’s third studio album, is the best mid-Seventies record of 2006, a rabid, ingenious paraphrasing of echoes and kitsch from rock’s golden age of bombast. The opening fanfare, “The End,” blows up like an outtake from Alice Cooper’s Billion Dollar Babies, with glam-Godzilla guitars and spook-choir hurrahs. “Dead!” is a sleek, bleak bruiser, like Queen’s “Keep Yourself Alive” in widow’s weeds. And in the hyperoperatic “Mama,” Way — playing a soldier up to his neck in blood, raging against the woman who gave him life — briefly duets with Liza Minnelli, who belts her two big lines only to have Way sing back at her with vicious obscenity. It is brassy casting, as if Minnelli has been dropped into a Glenn Danzig production of Bertolt Brecht’s Mother Courage and Her Children. It also sounds like an idea Alice Cooper (the singer) might have had in 1976 while golfing with George Burns. But this is not the Seventies, and My Chemical Romance are very much a band of their time — post-9/11. The first song Way wrote for the group (with ex-drummer Matt Pelisser) was “Skylines and Turnstiles,” based on his experience that day in New York, watching the Twin Towers fall in front of him. There is a lot of fire and rubble in these songs, too. And there are bodies all over the place — dead in the streets (”Welcome to the Black Parade”); near death in hospital beds (”Dead!” and “Cancer”); or just too numb to give a shit about morality (”House of Wolves”) or forgiveness (”I Don’t Love You”). Starting with a riff that stabs and stutters like an old Buzzcocks lick and packing a bridge that is pure Iron Maiden, “This Is How I Disappear” is an exciting, perverse goodbye, from one lost soul to the object of his suffocating affection. “And without you is how I disappear/And live my life alone/Forever now,” Way sings from the depths of obsession — and, it seems, his grave. The poetry is rickety, but the self-pity is arena-ready. Next to that, My Chemical Romance’s 2004 album, Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, is orthodox buzz-saw misery. Apparently, the band — which co-produced the vacuum-packed overkill of The Black Parade with Rob Cavallo, who also worked on Green Day’s punk-suite hit, American Idiot – now believes that if you’re going to feel sorry for yourself, you might as well do it with gusto. “When I grow up, I want to be nothing at all!” Way wails in “The End,” surrounded by what sounds like ELO with a case of G n’ R. The excess comes with diminishing returns. Cavallo and the group over-rely on the avenging-army drumroll shtick, and what is deliciously vintage for most of the record — Way’s bright, breathless yelp, with harmonies stacked to eternity; the lightning bolts of Brian May and Mick Ronson cutting through Toro’s and Iero’s widescreen grind — loses luster by Tracks Twelve and Thirteen, “Disenchanted” and “Famous Last Words.” The best last words should have been Track Eleven, “Teenagers,” a tight fist of T. Rex-style crunch with a great punch-the-air chorus: “They said all/Teenagers scare/The living shit out of me.” Teenagers are the ones who should be scared shitless. They are about to inherit a hell on this earth that is more terrifying, day by day, than anything Way imagines here. In fact, the most realistic and contemporary thing about this album’s supercharged-Seventies Armageddon is his bitter, almost jealously guarded helplessness in nearly every song. Content to be the Queen of complaint (and damn good at it), My Chemical Romance offer no answers and give no hope — except for the shot of light that comes in the second manic half of “Welcome to the Black Parade,” whenever Way hits the vocal hook. “We’ll carry on,” he sings repeatedly, at full rock-hero tilt. He doesn’t say where. But the way he says it sounds great and worth believing, no matter how old you are. |
posted by okqi @ 10:40 AM   |
Chad Lowe Steps Out with His New Girlfriend |
Chad Lowe is seeing producer Kim Painter, his rep confirms.
"They are dating," Lowe's publicist, Cindy Guagenti, tells PEOPLE. Lowe, 39, split last year from wife Hilary Swank.
Lowe and Painter were spotted together at the Nov. 15 L.A. premiere of Carrie Fisher's one-woman show, Wishful Drinking, which Painter co-produced.
Since then, they've been making appearances all over L.A. (as the New York Daily News first reported) – including a recent trip to Mr. Chow for dinner with Lowe's family.
And after the Golden Globes, they chatted and smooched at the InStyle/Warner Bros. party, and later, while waiting at the valet stand, Lowe introduced Painter to friends including Emilio Estevez, Seal and Heidi Klum. Painter grumbled about the cold and Lowe gave her a snuggle to keep her warm.
Romance isn't the only thing going well in Lowe's life: On Jan. 29, the actor-director, who helmed last year's Beautiful Ohio, will make his debut as Deputy Chief of Staff Reed Pollock on FOX's 24. |
posted by okqi @ 10:06 AM   |
Felicity Star Keri Russell Is Pregnant |
Former Felicity star Keri Russell is pregnant, PEOPLE has confirmed.
The actress, 30, and fiancé Shane Deary, 30, a contractor, will welcome their first child this summer, according to Russell's rep, Jill Fritzo.
Russell and Deary have been dating for several years and were engaged to be married last year. No wedding date has been set, Fritzo says.
Russell played the title role of Felicity Porter in the hit WB drama from 1998 to 2002. In 2006 she appeared opposite Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible 3.
Her new movie, the indie romantic comedy Waitress, was directed by the late Adrienne Shelly and screens next week at the Sundance Film Festival. The Cover Girl spokeswoman will also star later this year in August Rush with Robin Williams and Girl in the Park with Kate Bosworth. |
posted by okqi @ 10:03 AM   |
Angelina Jolie Travels to Vietnam |
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt may be setting up house in New Orleans, but Jolie wasn't there last week – she was in Vietnam.
The actress traveled to the Asian country to take a meeting on behalf of the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Project, her charity aiding her son's native country of Cambodia.
According to MJP co-president Stephan Bognar, he and Jolie met with officials from the International Finance Corporation's Mekong Private Sector Development Facility, a privately funded World Bank initiative that promotes economic development in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.
Despite Internet rumors, Pitt was in New Orleans, where he's filming The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and couldn't make the trip – and Jolie was not in Vietnam for another adoption.
Now the actors, along with kids Maddox, 5, Zahara, 2, and Shiloh, 7 months, are back together in the Big Easy, where Pitt and Jolie recently bought a six-bedroom, $3.5 million house.
Pitt is also been working on a development project of his own in the city: He worked with the environmental organization Global Green USA to find an Earth-friendly plan for rebuilding neighborhoods ravaged by Katrina – a project that is on track to begin construction in February or March. |
posted by okqi @ 10:00 AM   |
Alec Baldwin: I'm Thinking About Online Dating |
Alec Baldwin can't seem to find the right woman – and soon he may turn to the Internet for help.
In a tongue-in-cheek interview in the February issue of Glamour, Baldwin says he's thought about dipping into the online-dating scene, and jokingly imagines the kind of responses he might get.
"I could post my picture and say, 'People tell me I look like Alec Baldwin.' They'll go, 'Oh, I hate him' or 'Who the hell is he?' "
Since his split from his wife of eight years, Kim Basinger, in 2002, Baldwin, 48, has been linked to various women, including actress Kristin Davis and lawyer Nicole Seidel.
But he says the single life isn't easy. "You meet people who are great, but they're not who you want to turn the lights out with," he says.
In fact, the 30 Rock costar says he wants to feel the kind of love he once had for Basinger, with whom he's now in an ugly custody battle over their 11-year-old daughter, Ireland.
"I would love to marry (again). I want to be in love again," Baldwin says. "I was in love when I was married, I'm not ashamed to say. I used to wake up in the morning and just look at (Kim) and say, 'What do you want for breakfast, baby? Special K with blueberries? Let me go get some.' "
If he does find the right woman, does he want to have more children?
"Yes," he replies. "The only time I'm truly happy is with my daughter. I can't think that this is my only shot at fatherhood." |
posted by okqi @ 9:50 AM   |
Britney Spears's New Man: 'A Gentleman' |
 Britney Spears's new man, Isaac Cohen, looks like a keeper – at least according to his agent.
"He's a gentleman, he's respectful and he treats people nicely," Brandi Lord of L.A. Models tells USA Today. "He's not known to date around."
Spears and Cohen, both 25, were first spotted powerboating on Jan. 2 off Marina del Rey, Calif., and they recently returned from a lavish weekend in Las Vegas, where they stayed in the $40,000-a-night, two-story Hugh Hefner Sky Villa at The Palms.
"They're a young couple who seem to be having a lot of fun," says Lord, who previously told PEOPLE Cohen is "not a player – he's got a great heart and a good family, and he was raised well."
The 6'1" California native, currently appearing in TV ads for McDonald's and Payless, is different from Britney's ex, Kevin Federline, in at least one respect: "He's not out to be a rapper or a dancer or an actor or anything else right now," Lord tells USA Today. "I'm sure he will want to do something else when he gets older, but for right now, modeling is working out pretty well for him. He's got a great look."
Cohen has been with the L.A. Models agency for several years, Lord says, adding that since he's been linked to Spears, "he's even more in demand."
Spears has been hard at work herself, working on her new album at L.A.'s Record Plant studio on Wednesday night. Friday Jan 19, 2007 8:00am EST |
posted by okqi @ 9:45 AM   |
Justin Timberlake: 5 finalists named for Grammy contest |
Thursday, January 18, 2007 |
 Hot on the heels of Fox's "American Idol," five finalists have been named to compete for the chance to perform with "SexyBack" singer Justin Timberlake at the Grammy Awards. Fans voting online at Yahoo! Music narrowed the field from 12 finalists in the "My Grammy Moment" contest for unsigned artists. The five finalists, all women, are Africa Miranda, 30, of Montgomery, Ala.; Jillian Gaudious, 25, of Long Branch, N.J.; Brenda Radney, 22, of Staten Island, N.Y.; Robyn Troup, 18, of Houston, Texas; and Jessica James, 18, of Warner Robins, Ga. "We have been overwhelmed by the enthusiastic response we have received for our `My Grammy Moment' opportunity, and the top five finalists reflect a diverse group of extremely talented singers," Recording Academy President Neil Portnow said in a statement Wednesday. Fans will continue to vote online at Yahoo! Music. The top three finalists will be announced during Super Bowl weekend, then head for Los Angeles to rehearse with Timberlake. Online and text message votes during the 49th annual Grammy Awards, which will be telecast Feb. 11 by CBS Corp.'s CBS network from the Staples Center, will determine the contest's winner. The winner will be announced live on the show. |
posted by okqi @ 9:35 AM   |